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Cornea: The transparent part of the eye that covers the iris and the pupil and allows light to enter the inside.  Educational articles related to the cornea including, cornea conditions, disorders, and more.

Keratitis: Causes and Treatments

Keratitis, also referred to as a corneal ulcer, is an inflammation or irritation of the cornea. There are two types of keratitis: infectious and noninfectious. Both are treatable and manageable if caught early. However, if left unchecked and untreated they can lead to vision loss. Infectious Keratitis Causes Keratitis [...]

What is Corneal Edema?

Corneal edema refers to the swelling of the cornea. The cornea is a clear dome-shaped outer surface of the eye that helps you see clearly. It's a transparent tissue layer that transmits and focuses light. This condition is caused by a buildup of fluid in the cornea. When left untreated, [...]

Thyroid Eye Disease Causes and Treatment

Thyroid Eye Disease may be due to Graves’ Disease or other thyroid abnormalities. The condition causes inflammation in the muscles and soft tissues of the eye socket. This inflammation causes your eyeballs to bulge from their sockets and can be severe enough to result in vision loss. Extraocular muscles that [...]

What is Keratoconus?

The clear, dome-shaped window in the front of your eye is called the cornea and concentrates light on your eye. Keratoconus is a condition in which the cornea thins out and bulges outwards like a cone. Light rays become out of focus when the cornea's shape changes. As a result, [...]

Astigmatism and Treatment Options

Astigmatism is a curvature defect in the cornea or lens of your eye. When your cornea or lens isn't smoothly curved, light rays don't refract properly.  As a result, vision at close and far distances may be blurred or distorted.  This is a common eye ailment, and it is unknown [...]

Bacterial Keratitis Overview

Bacterial keratitis is a corneal infection and is often referred to as a ‘corneal ulcer.’ Symptoms include reduced vision, light sensitivity, pain, and excessive tearing or discharge from your eye. It is typically caused by contact lens use, especially when a person sleeps in their contact lenses. It can be [...]

How to Avoid Corneal Abrasions

The cornea is the clear, round dome covering the eye’s iris and pupil.  It helps by focusing the light as it enters the eye and it helps to protect the iris and pupil from damage.  A corneal abrasion is a scratched or scraped cornea that can affect vision. It is [...]

What Are the Causes of Corneal Edema?

Cornea and Corneal Edema Corneal edema impacts the cornea, or the clear tissue layer of the eye.  The cornea is composed of five different layers that include the epithelium, stroma, Bowman’s membrane, Descemet’s membrane, and endothelium. These layers of the cornea work together to allow light the ability to travel [...]