Ptosis refers to drooping of the eyelid due to a weak muscle. Patients will notice that the eyelid is covering part of the eye, getting close to or covering the pupil, and obstructing their vision. Tightening of the muscle can be performed on the inside of the eyelid, through a hidden incision, or performed through an upper eyelid crease incision. The decision to perform either eyelid surgery technique will be determined by your doctor depending on your eyelid height, function, and anatomy.

Ectropion of the eyelid refers to an eyelid that has become loose and lost tone. This can be due to natural aging, scarring, facial paralysis, or pulling down of the eyelid due to a mechanical force. With the laxity of the eyelid, tearing, irritation, and redness of the eyes can occur. Tightening of the eyelid can restore the eyelid to its natural position, improving dryness, tearing, and discomfort of the eyes.

Entropion of the eyelid involves an eyelid turning inward. When the eyelid turns in, the lashes can rub against the cornea, causing extreme discomfort and pain. This is oftentimes due to aging, but can also occur due to a variety of other reasons including eyelid inflammation or scarring. Surgery will include repositioning the eyelid to its natural position, preventing the eyelashes from rubbing against the cornea.