A cataract occurs when the normal lens of your eye becomes cloudy. Protein in your lens degrades, making objects appear fuzzy, foggy, or less colorful.

Cataracts can affect anyone and are most commonly caused by aging. This is due to the normal aging process of the eyes, which begins around 40 years old. The lens’ surface proteins start to wear down, and the eye may be unable to heal itself.

cataract surgery with IOL

Causes of cataracts may include:

  • Family history of cataracts
  • Specific medical issues, such as diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Prior eye injury, eye surgery, or radiation treatments on your upper body
  • Extended periods in the sun without wearing sunglasses or similar eyewear with UV protection
  • Certain medications such as corticosteroids may promote the early production of cataracts

The majority of age-related cataracts develop over time. Dissimilar cataracts can develop quickly, such as those in younger individuals or diabetic patients.

If you or someone you know suffers from cataracts, it is best to seek evaluation and treatment before the condition worsens.

When cataracts prevent you from performing daily tasks, surgery is recommended. Those unbothered with their cataract symptoms may monitor them by visiting your eye doctor but may not necessarily have to remove them.  A new eyeglass prescription could be a possible solution to improved vision.

In the United States, cataract removal is one of the most common procedures. The process is safe and frequently performed as an outpatient treatment.

The cataract surgeons at the Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute offer femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery with the use of the most modern intraocular lens implants, including implants that correct astigmatism, presbyopia, and the inability to focus at near.