Dry eye or dry eyes is a condition where the eye lacks lubrication and nourishment due to a lack of sufficient, quality, tears. Tears are required for healthy functioning of the eye’s surface and for clear vision.

Dry eye has become a common condition due to the constant use of digital screens which cause the blink rate to decrease significantly – blinking is a vital function for healthy eyes.

red eye or dry eye allergy

Adding tears with over-the-counter artificial tear solutions, boosting tear production, and treating inflammation of the eyelids or eye surface are the main methods for managing and treating dry eyes.

IPL treatment is recommended when dry eye symptoms affect the quality of life, as it pertains to your vision, and your independence.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a light-based technology used to cure rosacea and diminish telangiectasia, and is increasingly being utilized in ophthalmology to treat meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eyes.

As a safe, efficient, and gentle procedure, IPL treatment improves your general skin appearance and eyelid irritation.  The procedure is performed using light pulses to penetrate the skin under the eye and target inflammation.

IPL Treatment Process

The treatment process may differ depending on the eye doctor, and the IPL device used. It typically entails skin typing to adjust the system to the proper settings to fit your individual needs.  Afterwards, an ultrasonic gel is applied to the face from the temples to the nose. The eyes are shielded by goggles or special pads and do not receive direct light. Then, wavelengths of light are administered in pulses across the face surrounding the eye area. This procedure may be repeated twice for each side.

Dry eye management may require multiple IPL treatments.  And may need to be repeated every six to 12 months for long-term results.