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Ophthalmology Blog

Remember Eye Safety During A Solar Eclipse

Have you ever wanted to check out a solar eclipse but were concerned about eye safety because you know you have sensitive eyes already? A solar eclipse is one of nature’s phenomenons and you shouldn’t miss the upcoming rare experience. Each year, there are approximately 2 solar eclipses, with the [...]

What Is Blepharoplasty?

With the amount of treatments and surgical procedures available in society today, it can be difficult to keep up with what is what. Blepharoplasty, otherwise known as an eye lift, is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure. Eye Lift Basics Blepharoplasty is essentially a way to correct droopy eyelids due to [...]

Understanding Glaucoma: Symptoms and Treatment

Typically passed down genetically, glaucoma is an eye disease that involves harm to the eye’s optic nerves. Intraocular pressure, best described as fluid pressure within the eye, can act as the catalyst for causing damage to the optic nerves. This is dangerous because a major function of the optic nerves [...]

Macular Degeneration Symptoms & Treatment Options

Although many diseases have symptoms, some do not in the early phases. Getting a basic idea of what macular degeneration is, what the symptoms look like, and what to do for treatment of the eye condition can be important, particularly if you have any reason to believe you are suffering [...]

June is Firework Eye Safety Month

Its that time of year where people are starting to plan their 4th of July activities, which as we all know typically involve a lot of fireworks. That is why the month of June, as well as being declared as Cataract Awareness Month, is also Firework Eye Safety Month. We [...]

Cataract Awareness Month With Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute

Along with June being Firework Eye Safety Month, it is also Cataract Awareness Month. With cataracts being the leading cause of vision loss and blindness in the world, we thought we would take some time to get you caught up on cataracts. According to Your Sight Matters, there are over [...]

What is IPL Eye Treatment?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a form of light therapy traditionally used in cosmetic and dermatology practices for specific skin conditions that now has exciting new practical applications in ophthalmology for the treatment of chronic dry eyes through Meibomian gland stimulation to increase eye lubrication. An IPL eye treatment [...]

Macular Pucker

What is a macular pucker? A macular pucker is a type of scar tissue that forms on the macula and can cause distortion or blurry central vision. […]

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