If you’ve been experiencing eye trouble that you believe to be episodes of Narrow Angle Glaucoma, then it can be vital to learn about the eye problem and potential treatments for it. Narrow Angle Glaucoma is an eye condition you should educate yourself about, especially if you are experiencing the symptoms. But what exactly are the symptoms of Narrow Angle Glaucoma and how can the eye problem be treated best?

Understanding Narrow Angle Glaucoma

Narrow Angle Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that happens because of changes in the iris, or part of the eye with color. When the iris comes forward, the release of fluids is stopped because of a block in the drainage angle. As a result, there may be pressure that negatively impacts regular messages to the brain of visuals seen by the eye.

Symptoms of Narrow Angle Glaucoma

Early symptoms you should notice from Narrow Angle Glaucoma include intense eye pain, headaches or migraines, fuzzy lighting or halo figures, pupil dilation, vision troubles, bloodshot eyes, and physical sickness. These symptoms may only last a couple hours or occur up until the intraocular pressure becomes minimal.

Each Narrow Angle Glaucoma episode has the power to affect your peripheral vision, meaning vision loss can happen as a result. Narrow Angle Glaucoma can be more episodic and worsen slowly, which makes the eye condition leave unanticipated damage. Angle Closure Glaucoma is extremely serious and more of an immediate emergency because the pressure on the eye needs to be reduced or vision loss will occur.

Causes and Treatment

The causes for the change in the position of the iris that create Narrow Angle Glaucoma include blockage of the pupillary channel, iris plateau, farsightedness, and possible tumors surrounding the iris. These issues are eye conditions that a leading eye care specialist will know to watch out for. This is why it is critical to get regular eye exams and schedule a checkup with an ophthalmologist when symptoms of eye conditions like Narrow Angle Glaucoma arise. Treatment for Narrow Angle Glaucoma involves reducing pressure, which can be done by oral or intravenous medication. Eye drops for glaucoma can also be helpful. Sometimes, laser and non laser glaucoma surgery may be necessary to decrease the intraocular pressure.

Making An Appointment with Ophthalmologists at FLEI

Whether you believe you are suffering from an episode of Narrow Angle Glaucoma or another eye condition that requires proper diagnosis and monitoring or treatment, Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute is the best eye care facility to turn to. With professionals who have decades of experience as eye care specialists, you can find relief and solace when being cared for. Book your appointment with an ophthalmologist today at Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute.