850 S Pine Island Road
Suite A100
Plantation, FL 33324


Oculoplastic surgery is a subspecialty in the field of ophthalmology, focusing primarily on the eyelids, orbit, tear ducts, and other tissues surrounding the eye.

Current Trends in Oculoplastic Surgery: Enhancing Aesthetics and Functionality

Current Trends in Oculoplastic Surgery: Enhancing Aesthetics and Functionality Oculoplastic surgery, a specialized field within ophthalmology, has witnessed dynamic trends in recent years. With a focus on both functional and aesthetic aspects of the eye and surrounding structures, oculoplastic surgeons are at the forefront of innovative techniques. Let’s explore [...]

Current Trends in Oculoplastic Surgery: Enhancing Aesthetics and Functionality2024-02-22T21:46:07-05:00

Benefits of Botox

As you age, facial wrinkles appear and then never seem to disappear. As a result of muscles contracting under the skin in that area for decades, these expression lines make permanent marks on your face. While these marks and wrinkles are unavoidable, there are options to smooth them and [...]

Benefits of Botox2024-02-22T21:50:07-05:00

Overview of Ptosis Causes and Treatment

Ptosis is a painless eye condition where the upper eyelid droops. It’s commonly referred to as blepharoptosis. Patients with ptosis typically have “sleepy-looking” eyes or upper eyelids that slightly sag or cover the pupil. Ptosis can significantly affect your vision or have an undesired effect on your appearance. Causes [...]

Overview of Ptosis Causes and Treatment2024-09-02T22:58:56-04:00

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Living in South Florida and being exposed to year-round sun exposure can leave your skin looking dry, blotchy, and wrinkled. Along with too much sun exposure, acne, aging, and other environmental factors can contribute to blemishes and poor facial texture. Laser skin resurfacing is a proven technique that effectively [...]

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?2022-12-28T14:50:44-05:00

Benefits of Blepharoplasty

Droopy eyelids are a common condition amongst patients over the age of 50. The eyelids are thin and prone to weakening muscles. As you age, the weakening muscles can contribute to droopy upper eyelids and the buildup of excess fat around the eyes. For many patients, droopy eyelids are [...]

Benefits of Blepharoplasty2022-11-15T23:01:49-05:00

Eyebrow Lift Procedure: Why You Could Benefit From One 

A common complaint in an oculoplastic clinic is "droopy upper eyelids."  Sometimes the problem rests with the upper eyelid skin, the upper eyelid muscles, or the brow position. Descent of the forehead and eyebrow is a normal feature of aging and may contribute to the heaviness and fullness of [...]

Eyebrow Lift Procedure: Why You Could Benefit From One 2023-03-20T23:50:10-04:00

Skin Cancer and Eyelid Reconstruction

Did you know that skin cancer can develop around your eyes? Skin cancer development is common for South Florida residents, given the intense sun exposure. The most common type of eyelid skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma (BCC), with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and melanoma less frequently encountered. For [...]

Skin Cancer and Eyelid Reconstruction2024-02-22T21:51:14-05:00

Blepharoplasty Surgery

Blepharoplasty surgery is a cosmetic eyelid procedure for improving eyelid rejuvenation and appearance by removing fat and/or excess skin and tissue from the upper and lower eyelids. Unlike a similar appearing medical condition, called ptosis (which actually reduces the field of vision), a blepharoplasty eyelid lift may be regarded as a cosmetic [...]

Blepharoplasty Surgery2024-02-22T21:51:57-05:00
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