Protecting your peepers is a full-time job. There are no days off, and for 365 days a year, we need to dedicate ourselves to our overall eye health. Our eyes are at risk of UV ray related damage year round. Therefore, eye protection should be at the forefront of our minds. Ultraviolet ray exposure can cause the cornea to become inflamed or burned. The rays can pass through your cornea into the retina of your eye which can lead to cataracts, macular degeneration, photokeratitis, and eye cancer. In North America, the hours between 10 am to 4 pm have the highest UV exposure. The exposure is greatest when you are closest to the equator and at the highest altitude.

Here are some tips to safeguard your eyes from the sun’s powerful UV rays:

  • Wear wraparound sunglasses and make sure they have 100% UV ray protection. Sunglasses are still needed even for those with contacts.
  • In addition to wearing sunglasses, put on a 3-inch brim hat for eye to eyelid protection.
  • Staring at the sun, especially during an eclipse can cause solar retinopathy.
  • Your eyelid skin is the thinnest of the entire epidermis and UV rays can induce dryness, noticeable wrinkles, droopiness, etc.
  • Avoid tanning beds as they pose the same risk as the sun.
  • Children are also at a higher risk, and have greater photosensitivity. Protecting their eyes early on is essential to smoother optic growth into adulthood.

Also remember to have your eyes examined every year for early detection of eye health issues. To make an appointment call 954-741-5555 or fill out our appointment request form here: schedule an appointment