We hear a lot about having our bodies “summer ready”, but have you considered getting your eyes ready for summer as well? Common summer eye problems include eye allergies, dry eye, sunburn, infections, and fatigued eyes. Enjoying summer festivities can pose potential risks and it’s important to take great care of your eye health all season long.

Here are some quick tips to take preventive care:

  • Wear large polarized sunglasses, a 3-inch brim hat, and seek shade under a tree or beach umbrella to protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. UV rays can increase the risk of eye disease, including cataracts and cancer.
  • Wear goggles while swimming to avoid exposure to water contaminants. Chlorine can irritate the eyes, resulting in itchy or bloodshot eyes. It has been indicated that it can damage the epithelial cells of the cornea.
  • Wearing contact lenses in the water is not recommended.  They absorb water, which causes the lens to stick to the cornea and can create a passage for bacteria and possible infection.
  • Wear protective gear when participating in sports or any type of project where the possibility of eye injury may be present.
  • Use eyedrops to alleviate allergy symptoms from pollen.
  • Wash your hands regularly and avoid rubbing your eyes to avoid the spread of infections similar to conjunctivitis (pink eye).
  • Eat well and drink plenty of water to maintain healthy eyes.
  • Get ample sleep to avoid tired and irritated eyes.
  • Try to quit or avoid smoking which may increase your susceptibility to dry eye and eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.
  • Never look directly at the sun.

Following these tips will allow you to have fun in the sun while protecting your eyes in the process. Whether you are swimming in the ocean or pool, walking in the park, or playing sports this summer, make sure to protect those precious peepers!

5 Ways to Get Your Eyes Summer-Ready – American Academy of Ophthalmology (aao.org)
How Summer Can Affect Your Eyes (kadrmaseyecare.com)