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Plantation, FL 33324

Eye Injury Articles
Educational articles about issues surrounding eye injuries and eye injury Treatment from the doctors of Ophthalmology at Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute.

Orbital Fractures: Causes and Treatment

A Potential Consequence of a Severe Fall During a Run or During a Race (5K, 10K, Mini or Full Marathons) Running can be a healthy and exhilarating activity, promoting fitness. However, like any physical endeavor, it comes with potential risks. In some unfortunate cases, a severe fall during a [...]

How to Get your Summer Eyes Ready

We hear a lot about having our bodies "summer ready", but have you considered getting your eyes ready for summer as well? Common summer eye problems include eye allergies, dry eye, sunburn, infections, and fatigued eyes. Enjoying summer festivities can pose potential risks and it’s important to take great care [...]

How to Avoid Corneal Abrasions

The cornea is the clear, round dome covering the eye’s iris and pupil.  It helps by focusing the light as it enters the eye and it helps to protect the iris and pupil from damage.  A corneal abrasion is a scratched or scraped cornea that can affect vision. It is [...]

Macular Pucker

What is a macular pucker? A macular pucker is a type of scar tissue that forms on the macula and can cause distortion or blurry central vision. […]

Beware of Popping Champagne Corks

When you pop the cork on a bottle of Champagne, it flies off at more than 50 miles per hour!  If you, or someone standing near you gets hit in the eye, it can result in a devastating injury.  Take the following steps to avoid this fairly common injury: Chill [...]

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