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Educational articles about cataracts including cataract surgery, cataract implants, and the symptoms associated with cataracts.

Phacoemulsification Surgery for Cataracts

Created by Charles Kelman in the late 1960’s, Phaco also referred to as phacoemulsification is used to restore vision in patients whose vision has become cloudy from cataracts.  Kelman created phacoemulsification surgery as a variation to extracapsular cataract extraction to remove the cataract with a smaller incision, less pain, and [...]

Clear Lens Extraction

Clear lens extraction (CLE or CLEAR) is the process of removing a non cataractous natural lens of the eye with intraocular lens placement as a refractive procedure; and is also known as RLE (refractive lens exchange). CLE has been around for decades and is the same procedure used to remove [...]

Fireworks Eye Safety & Cataract Awareness Month

June is “Fireworks Eye Safety & Cataract Awareness Month”.  In this article we are going to address cataract awareness.  As you may already know, a cataract is a clouding of the eye’s lens that affects vision. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in aging adults and incidence increases in [...]

Premium Intraocular Lenses

If you are having cataract surgery, your cataract surgeon will replace your clouded lens with a clear artificial lens.  There are several different types of premium intraocular lenses: Aspheric Lens Implants Specifically designed to reduce the visual disturbances caused by the optical aberrations found in ordinary lens implants, aspheric lens implants [...]

Cataract Lens Implants – Premium vs Standard Lenses

A cataract, otherwise known as a “crystalline lens,” is a clouding of the natural lens of the eye. Cataracts are usually found in middle-aged to older people and can be a normal part of the ageing process. When a cataract becomes too cloudy it will make it difficult for that [...]

Advanced Technology Implants for Cataract Patients

There are many factors that can cause a patient to develop cataracts, a condition where the lens, found behind the iris and the pupil, becomes clouded: aging, eye trauma, excessive sun exposure, disease inside the eye, family history, smoking, diabetes, and poor nutrition. No matter the underlying cause, it is [...]

New Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery

We are excited to announce that the most advanced technology in laser assisted cataract surgery has been available at the Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute since early 2014.       Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery Drs. Skolnick and Fernandez de Castro are highly skilled cataract surgeons who are experienced in performing laser [...]

Cataract Surgery – What To Expect Afterwards

Cataracts are clouding of the lens of the eye which causes your vision to become progressively more blurred with time.  Many people describe their night vision as being affected and overall filmy or foggy vision in general are common complaints.  An increase in glare, dimming of colors and double vision [...]

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