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Educational articles about issues surrounding macular degeneration, treatment options for wet, dry and age-related macular degeneration from the doctors of Ophthalmology at Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute

New form of treatment for Wet Macular Degeneration – Clinical Trial

The Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute is conducting a clinical trial on a new form of treatment for Wet Macular Degeneration About the Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute As a leading ophthalmic practice that specializes in diagnosing, treating, and correcting eye and retinal diseases, the Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute has many years [...]

Do You Suffer From Macular Degeneration?

The macula helps your eye focus on centrally located items. This includes things like television and faces. While central vision is only about 3% of vision, if damaged it can lead to blindness in a practical sense. Macular damage can prevent patients from being able to watch television, use computers, [...]

Macular Holes

On occasion a patient can come into an eye doctors office very scared that one of their eyes has suddenly become distorted or blurred. This can happen when a macular hole develops. Macular holes occur when there is a break in the layers of the macular.  Our macular is the [...]

Dr. Burgess Discusses Macular Degeneration Treatments in TV Interview

Dr. Burgess was recently invited to appear on channel 10 news here in South Florida where he discussed drug options used in macular degeneration treatments that can save money for patients. At this time there is no cure for macular degeneration however these drugs can delay progress of the disease [...]

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