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Ophthalmology Blog

10 Vision Myths

I’m sure you have heard the vision myths while you were growing up. Your mom telling you “you’ll hurt your eyes if you sit too close to the tv” or my favorite “eat your carrots for better vision”. Well, I think it’s time to get to the bottom of all [...]

Can Watching 3-D Games Really Hurt Children’s Eyes?

A few days ago Nintendo issued a warning that children under 6 should not look at the 3-D screen on its new 3DS hand-held device because “ it could harm eye development”. This left pediatric ophthalmologists, some of them world-leading authorities on childhood eye development, scratching their heads. [...]

Beware of Popping Champagne Corks

When you pop the cork on a bottle of Champagne, it flies off at more than 50 miles per hour!  If you, or someone standing near you gets hit in the eye, it can result in a devastating injury.  Take the following steps to avoid this fairly common injury: Chill [...]

Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis or “EKC”

Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis or “EKC” is a severe viral infection that affects both the conjunctiva and the cornea.  It begins as a very severe conjunctivitis associated with glandular swelling in front of the ears.  It may start in one eye, but usually affects the other eye in a day or two; [...]

Viral Conjunctivitis or “Pink Eye”

Viral conjunctivitis commonly referred to as “Pink Eye” is a self-limited disease occurring mainly in children and young adults. It is harmless, but very annoying.  Commonly, the eye and the inside of the lids become red within a few hours.  In the morning, the lids are usually stuck together by [...]

Nutrition and the Eye

Nutrition plays a very important role in the health of the entire eye. From the front of the eye to the back, various nutrients affect the comfort of the eye and caliber of the vision. Starting with ocular surface, the quality of the tear film can have a major effect [...]

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