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Plantation, FL 33324

Ophthalmology Blog

Choroidal Neovascularization

Choroidal Neovascularization (CNV) is a major cause of vision loss and is the creation of new blood vessels in the choroid layer of the eye.  The choroid supplies oxygen and nutrients to the eye.  CNV is a common cause of vision loss.  The most common cause of CNV is from [...]

When to take your Child to an Eye Doctor

According to the National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness, visual functioning is a strong predictor of academic performance in school-age children. “Vision plays an important role in children’s physical, cognitive, and social development. More than one in five preschool-age children enrolled in Head Start have [...]

Phacoemulsification Surgery for Cataracts

Created by Charles Kelman in the late 1960’s, Phaco also referred to as phacoemulsification is used to restore vision in patients whose vision has become cloudy from cataracts.  Kelman created phacoemulsification surgery as a variation to extracapsular cataract extraction to remove the cataract with a smaller incision, less pain, and [...]

What is an External Eyelid Stye?

A stye (hordoleum) is an inflamed area of the eye.  External eyelid styes are more common in children. There are two types of styes in relation to its location: external – resides on the base of an eyelash internal – resides on the inside surface of the eyelid An external [...]

Diagnosing Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa, also known as “RP”, is a group of genetic disorders that affect the retina’s ability to respond to light.  RP causes a slow loss of vision that begins with decreased night vision and loss of peripheral vision that eventually leads to blindness.  RP is usually hereditary.  If you [...]

Clear Lens Extraction

Clear lens extraction (CLE or CLEAR) is the process of removing a non cataractous natural lens of the eye with intraocular lens placement as a refractive procedure; and is also known as RLE (refractive lens exchange). CLE has been around for decades and is the same procedure used to remove [...]

Healthy Eating for Healthier Eyes

What you put into your body effects the health of everything from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes.  Many times we overlook (no pun intended) the effects of nutrition and what role healthy eating habits play when it comes to issues related to our [...]

Punctal Plugs for Dry Eyes

A punctal plug is a very tiny, bio-compatible device that is inserted into the tear ducts to block drainage.  Once inserted into the tear ducts, punctal plugs increase the eye’s tear film and surface moisture to relieve dry eyes. No larger than a grain of rice, punctal plugs are also [...]

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