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Educational articles about MOH’S and other eyelid procedures to repair ptosis, ectropion, and the effects of eyelid skin cancer by Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute.

What is entropion?

Entropion is a condition where your eyelid or eyelids turns inwards against the surface of the eye and can be extremely uncomfortable and annoying.  This turning in of the eyelids can cause your eyelashes to rub against your cornea.  The constant rubbing can cause a lot of damage to your [...]

How serious is Eyelid Skin Cancer?

Eyelid skin cancer can become very serious if left untreated.  According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, the eyelid region accounts for five to 10 percent of all skin cancers.  The thin and delicate structure of the eyelid makes it particularly prone to skin cancer because it is often ignored when [...]

MOH’S Surgery

MOH'S surgery is a highly advanced treatment for skin cancer. It was developed by Dr. Frederic E. Moh's. The cure rate is 99%.  Cosmetically the least amount of tissue is removed and the skin is repaired in a way to reduce scarring as much as possible. The key is to [...]


Ptosis is  a drooping of the upper eyelid that can be present in both children and adults.  Sometimes ptosis can be subtle or the  lid can extend over the pupil. If the lid drops to the level of the pupil the amount of light coming into the eye affected and ultimately vision is reduced. [...]

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