Lattice Degeneration is an abnormal thinning of the retina. When this condition is present, the retina is more susceptible to developing tears, breaks, or holes, ultimately leading to a retinal detachment. Due to the severity of the condition, lattice degeneration should be closely monitored.

lattice degenerationLattice degeneration is most common in those with nearsightedness and diseases like Marfan and Stickler syndrome. The cause of this condition is unknown but appears to be genetic in some cases. About 10 percent of people suffer from this condition, and most are asymptomatic or show no symptoms of vision loss. Symptoms typically occur when complications such as flashing lights (characterized as “seeing stars”), new floaters (jelly-like substances clumping together and casting shadows within the eye), or a detached retina are present.

A comprehensive eye examination should rule out any serious problems with the retina. During your consultation with your optometrist or ophthalmologist, you will be able to discuss the treatment options available to you. This condition, is commonly treated by laser or cryotherapy.

At Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute, we have board certified retina specialists that will work with you to maintain the best vision and eye health possible.