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Educational articles about the benefits and issues associated with Vision Correction from the doctors of Ophthalmology at Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute.

Myopia Treatment Options

According to the National Eye Institute (NEI), myopia is a “common type of refractive error where close objects appear clearly, but distant objects appear blurry” and myopia treatment options range from common glasses or contacts to myopia surgery. […]

Tired of Your Myopia? Get a New Set of 3D Printed Eyes

If Italian researchers at research studio MHOX are correct, by the year 2027 you’ll be able to say goodbye to your contact lenses, eyeglasses, glaucoma, cataracts, and any other eye/vision condition. How? By replacing your natural eyes with a pair of completely artificially constructed, 3D printed eyeballs. While you may [...]

Facts and Risks Associated with Vision Correction Surgery

If you’ve worn glasses or contact lenses for awhile, you may be ready to get rid of them. One available option is vision correction surgery. Eye doctors first successfully performed vision correction surgery in the 1970s, and new technology is coming out regularly. Eye surgery can help with the following [...]

8 Reasons to Consider Laser Vision Correction Surgery

Over the past couple of years laser vision correction surgery has become a popular choice due to the cost decreasing. Laser vision correction surgery is a relatively simple procedure and the vast majority of people have positive experiences. 1. No more eye glasses Gone will be the days of having [...]

10 Vision Myths

I’m sure you have heard the vision myths while you were growing up. Your mom telling you “you’ll hurt your eyes if you sit too close to the tv” or my favorite “eat your carrots for better vision”. Well, I think it’s time to get to the bottom of all [...]

Farsightedness or Hyperopia

Farsightedness or hyperopia means objects are seen clearly far away but are blurry close up. You may be farsighted if you...

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