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850 S Pine Island Road
Suite A100
Plantation, FL 33324

Poor Vision due to Night Blindness

Night blindness is a type of vision impairment that occurs when the eyes transition from a bright environment to a dimly lit one. Those with night blindness experience poor vision at night making it difficult for them to drive safely, or perform other daily activities. Individuals suffering from nearsightedness, [...]

Causes & Diagnosis of Color Blindness

Our retina is made up of photo receptors called rods and cones. The rods, which are more in the periphery of our retina, are involved in night vision and the cones, which are located more in the center of the retina (macula), allow us to perceive color in daylight. Cones [...]

Difference Between Near and Farsighted

Both are refractive conditions, meaning that they are problems related to how the light is focused as it enters the eye. Ideally, as light enters the eye, without any additional effort, the light would be perfectly focused onto the inside lining of the eye which detects the light, called the [...]

How does the Beach Affect My Eyes?

When you decide to go to the beach typically you gather a few things to bring with you: • Sun screen for your skin • Water to keep hydrated • Food to keep your energy up. Your eyes require just as much protection from the sun as your skin. The [...]

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