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Plantation, FL 33324

Read educational blog posts related to general Ophthalmology conditions, diseases, and more by Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute.

Poor Vision due to Night Blindness

Night blindness is a type of vision impairment that occurs when the eyes transition from a bright environment to a dimly lit one. Those with night blindness experience poor vision at night making it difficult for them to drive safely, or perform other daily activities. Individuals suffering from nearsightedness, [...]

July is UV Safety Month: Protect your Eyes

Protecting your eyes is just as vital as caring for your skin. There are two UV rays present in sunlight; UV-A and UV-B. UV-A rays primarily penetrate the skin, speeding up the aging process, while UV-B rays produce sunburns on the skin. Over time, exposure to sunlight may increase [...]

Aqueous Humor Overview

Aqueous Humor is a thin and transparent fluid produced by the eye. The fluid contains 99.9% water and 0.1% sugars, proteins, vitamins, and other nutrients. Nutrients like amino acids and glucose help maintain the eye in a pressurized state, as the fluid nourishes the lens and maintains the shape [...]

Blocked Tear Duct

When the tear drainage system is either fully or partially blocked, it is a blocked tear duct. Tears that are unable to drain normally may result in wet, itchy, or infected eyes. People of all ages may experience symptoms and can possibly develop this condition. Basic tears are produced in [...]

Spring Eye Allergies

As the seasons change, do your eyes become irritated and watery? These signs and symptoms could indicate that you have seasonal allergies. Flowers are blooming and weather patterns in the area are changing, making spring a common period for these symptoms to appear. Pollen is one of the most common [...]

Rare Disease Day – February 28 2022

The Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute promotes Rare Disease Day and wants to raise awareness of rare diseases, especially eye diseases, and their impact on patients' lives. Over 300 million individuals worldwide live with rare illnesses today. Together across borders and with over 6,000 uncommon disorders, we work towards equity in [...]

Bacterial Keratitis Overview

Bacterial keratitis is a corneal infection and is often referred to as a ‘corneal ulcer.’ Symptoms include reduced vision, light sensitivity, pain, and excessive tearing or discharge from your eye. It is typically caused by contact lens use, especially when a person sleeps in their contact lenses. It can be [...]

Uveitis Overview

Uveitis is the inflammation of the uvea. Three parts make up the uvea; iris, ciliary body, and choroid. The uvea’s importance in the eye is to provide blood flow to the deep layers of the retina. When the uvea is inflamed, it causes eye injury and inflammatory diseases. There are [...]