The month of March is Workplace Eye Wellness Awareness month. According to the CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), nearly 2,000 workers in the U.S. sustain a job-related eye injury every day. These eye injuries typically include chemical burns, corneal scratches, and penetration of foreign objects. No matter what industry you are in, eye safety and eye wellness are important. Below are some tips for maintaining eye wellness in the workplace.

Workplace Eye Wellness

Protective Gear

Employees who work in hazardous environments, such as construction or maintenance, or around hazardous materials, like healthcare workers and janitorial workers, should have access to eye safety equipment. It is the best way to protect your eyes from potential hazards. The probability of workplace-related eye injuries is significantly lower if appropriate eyewear – goggles, face shields, safety lenses, and safety glasses – are used.

In addition to the threat of objects, certain diseases can also be transmitted through the eye’s mucous membranes. By wearing protective eye gear, workers can reduce the risk of injury and infectious eye diseases. Keep in mind that protective eye gear should be cleaned regularly and kept in an easily accessible area.

Digital Eye Strain Prevention

Not all work environments are as high-risk as those in construction or healthcare. There are still ways to maintain eye safety and wellness in jobs where the threat of foreign objects or hazardous materials is less common. Specifically, avoiding or preventing computer vision syndrome.

Computer vision syndrome is a group of eye and vision-related complications that result from prolonged screen use. Spending over 8 hours a day on the computer at work in conjunction with multiple hours of cellphone use can result in eye strain. Symptoms include blurred vision, eye irritation, and even headaches. The best way to prevent digital eye strain is to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away. Wearing blue light-blocking glasses effectively combats the eye strain and dry eye symptoms that prolonged screen use can cause.

In Case of Emergency

Unfortunately, accidents happen. Your workplace should have a protocol in place if you sustain an eye injury. If something becomes lodged in your eye, do not attempt to remove it; go to the nearest eye trauma or emergency room. For injuries like chemical or debris exposure, flush out your eye at the nearest eyewash station before seeking medical attention. If your eye is hit on the job, do not apply pressure to the eye; you should use a cold compress to reduce swelling and then seek medical attention. When advised, schedule a consultation with a local ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Practicing eye wellness and safety now can be beneficial for years. The doctors at Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute hope you maintain eye wellness in March and throughout the entire year!