A few days ago Nintendo issued a warning that children under 6 should not look at the 3-D screen on its new 3DS hand-held device because “ it could harm eye development”. This left pediatric ophthalmologists, some of them world-leading authorities on childhood eye development, scratching their heads. [...]
When you pop the cork on a bottle of Champagne, it flies off at more than 50 miles per hour! If you, or someone standing near you gets hit in the eye, it can result in a devastating injury. Take the following steps to avoid this fairly common injury: Chill [...]
As long as sunglasses protect you from UV-A and UV-B wavelengths of sunlight, the sunglasses are OK. Look for the label on the sunglasses to see if they have the proper protection. The effects of UV radiation on the eye are complex and fall into three categories...