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Ophthalmology Blog

Eyelid Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common type of eyelid cancer and is commonly found on the lower eyelids.  It usually affects adults, but may also occur in children. Increased exposure to the ultraviolet rays from the sun can increase the risks of developing BCC. Other BCC risk factors: Age [...]

Eyelid Rejuvenation

To “rejuvenate’ means to restore something to a state when it was fresher, younger, or more lively.  Thus, eyelid rejuvenation refers to making your eyelids appear younger.  In order to rejuvenate your eyelids, a series of procedures may be performed such as an eye-lift also known as blepharoplasty (a [...]

What is Dry AMD?

There are two basic forms of macular degeneration: “Dry” (Atrophic) and “Wet”.  The most common form of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is Dry AMD affecting approximately 85 to 90 percent of people with the disorder. Dry AMD is characterized by the presence of yellow deposits that develop within the macula [...]

Happy Father’s Day

This Father’s Day, Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute would like to honor fathers with these six tips to keep your eyes healthy: Get Regular Eye Exams One of the most important things you can do to preserve your vision is to get a comprehensive eye examination once a year if over [...]

What is a Vitrectomy?

A vitrectomy is a surgical procedure that is typically performed by an ophthalmologist who is a retina specialist.  The purpose of a vitrectomy is to improve or stabilize your vision and to treat disorders of the retina and vitreous. During a vitrectomy the vitreous gel is removed from the eye.  [...]

Fireworks Eye Safety Month

The Fourth of July is just a few weeks away and Fireworks Eye Safety Month is upon is. We all know that fireworks can be dangerous if not handled properly.  But did you know that fireworks were involved in an estimated 10,500 injuries in 2014 with at least 7,000 of [...]

Retinal Vein Occlusions

Retinal vein occlusions are classified according to where the vein occlusion is located and is treated based on the same classification. When the central retinal vein gets blocked and hemorrhaging occurs along its distribution, it is considered “central retinal vein occlusion” or CRVO.  The blockage of one of the small [...]

Eye Floaters and Flashes

For most individuals, the cause of eye floaters and flashes in the eyes is age-related. As you age, the vitreous gel can liquefy and separate from the retina. The vitreous is the transparent gel-like substance that fills the inside of your eyeball behind the lens; this can lead to traction [...]

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