Blepharoplasty surgery is a cosmetic eyelid procedure for improving eyelid rejuvenation and appearance by removing fat and/or excess skin and tissue from the upper and lower eyelids. Unlike a similar appearing medical condition, called ptosis (which actually reduces the field of vision), a blepharoplasty eyelid lift may be regarded as a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by health insurance.

Over time, the eyelids may become droopy or baggy as skin stretches, fat bulges, and muscles weaken. These changes are commonly the result of the natural aging process, sun damage, and may have genetic or familial factors. A blepharoplasty eyelid lift is an eye lift surgery that helps reduce the appearance of aging and damage.

Blepharoplasty can be performed using either laser or non-laser technology depending on the nature of the individual case.

Blepharoplasty upper eyelid surgery is usually performed by making an incision in the crease of the upper eyelid. The eyelid crease may be repositioned if necessary. The upper lid skin is removed and the fat is removed or repositioned.

Lower eyelid surgery includes tightening sagging skin and removing puffiness often due to fat excess. Fat removal is typically performed on the inner surface of the lower eyelid, and fat is removed or repositioned.

In addition to a blepharoplasty eyelid lift, other options including laser resurfacing, a chemical peel, or Botox® may be recommended to further smooth the skin and improve the appearance of the eyelids or surrounding area.

Our patients in Fort Lauderdale should be aware that blepharoplasty surgery does not correct a drooping eyebrow or remove crow’s feet. Other treatments are available, and like blepharoplasty, they can provide a more youthful appearance as well as functional improvement with minimal risk.

Our very own, Dr. Gil Epstein is an accomplished oculoplastic surgeon with a special interest in cosmetic laser eyelid and facial plastic surgery.

Call us today to make an appointment to find out if you’re a candidate for Blepharoplasty 954-741-5555