Monday marks the beginning of a new work week, and comes with its own set of obstacles to overcome. We often forget to take a quick break from our computer, and mobile devices throughout the day, causing ourselves a great deal of eye strain. Focusing on a screen for extended periods of time without rest leads to eye dryness, and can damage the eyes if unmanaged. Research has found that people who use computers and other digital screens, tend to blink less. Blinking lubricates the surface of the eye, and keeps our vision intact throughout the day. With a few simple lifestyle changes and a general awareness of the damage that can be done to your eyes when engaging in daily work activities, we can gear ourselves for optical well-being. However, if eye problems persist after making the necessary changes, you should seek medical attention to rule out any more serious conditions.

Dry Eye symptoms include

  • burning, stinging, or itchy eyes
  • blurred vision
  • red eyes
  • string mucus around the eyes
  • painful to wear contact lenses
  • constant tearing

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, make an appointment to see your eye doctor today.  If left untreated, dry eye can lead to eye infections, eye inflammation, corneal abrasions, and vision loss.

At Fort Lauderdale Eye Institute, we pride ourselves on ensuring that your overall eye health is maintained.