Clear Lens Extraction is another vision correction procedure for people who want permanent relief from wearing glasses or contacts. This option is often referred to as CLEAR — Clear Lens Extraction and Removal. This procedure is usually reserved for patients over 40 and who are not good candidates for LASIK. In addition, this procedure is often used to correct vision loss from mild cataracts and presbyopia. Read more about CLE.
Instead of changing the shape of the cornea, CLEAR removes and replaces the natural lens completely with one made from synthetic materials. Lenses used in this procedure may be either monofocal (fixed focal length) or multifocal (variable focal length). While monofocal lenses improve vision within a limited predetermined range, other corrective eyewear is necessary for other distances. Multifocal lenses function more like the natural lenses and often require no additional corrective eyewear.
The technology built into replacement lenses is advancing rapidly, and with each new product patients have a wider range of choices. As with all other vision correction procedures, your doctor will carefully examine your eyes before recommending a treatment plan.
For more information, see Lens Implants.